The Exhibit


Roots of Resistance is a exhibit about the 1942 Jewish uprising against the Nazis in Tuchyn, Ukraine. Designed for high school students, it has digital and physical elements and a participatory memorial. The digital exhibit is a standalone resource that can be freely accessed and used at any time. The physical component, which is an extension of the digital exhibit, currently travels between schools in North Carolina through the NC Council on the Holocaust, supplementing existing curriculum.

The Digital Exhibit

Learners virtually explore the Tuchyn story through immersive maps, interactive storytelling, natural imagery, and oral histories. The digital exhibit covers The Shoah in Eastern Europe and the larger history of World War II.

The digital exhibit is designed to function as a standalone resource and can be accessed by anyone at anytime. Find it here.

The Physical Exhibit

Roots of Resistance’s physical exhibit is an exercise in memorialization. Using natural imagery and participatory elements, learners interact with themes of resistance, empathy, and survival.

The physical component is an extension of the digital exhibit. It is not necessary to achieve the exhibit’s learning goals, but it can be a great addition for educators looking to include a hands-on experience. To reserve, click the “Book the Trees!” button to the right.